The weekend, MRI, and Chemo #13 on Monday

Yesterday I took the day off work and made us breakfast. Then we went to Hanging Rock for a few hours.

We came home, and went to the hospital for her Liver MRI around 3pm.
That went as well as any MRI could go.
I just checked, and those results are not back yet. Maybe we will get them over the weekend, or we might get that info when we see Dr. Paluri on Monday before beginning treatment. Either way, that info will be shared here when we have it.

This morning, we are going to head to downtown Asheville, NC for today and tonight, to walk around, eat food, explore, and get away for a little bit before Monday. Then just try to relax when we get home Sunday.

Monday morning the schedule shows Cath Care (port access) at 10:30am, meet with Dr. Paluri at 11am, and treatment begins at 12pm. The chemo regiment is basically the same as the last 3 treatments she had (#10 - #12). Those consisted of Irinotecan and 5-FU (48hr infusion, take home pump, Franklin). There has been no Oxaliplatin the last few treatments, and for now that will stay the same. That is good because the Oxali is what causes the cold sensitivity and the neuropathy, which she still has lingering affects of that ongoing.

Along with Irinotecan & 5FU, they are going to add a 3rd drug starting Monday. It is Avastin. 
It doesn't sound like the chances of sever side effects are high with Avastin. The main side effect we were told about were high blood pressure, so we will have to keep an eye on that. I am not 100% up on this drug and what it does, but if I heard correctly, it has something to do with preventing new blood vessels from forming that are able to feed the tumors. So basically this drug helps to starve the tumors, while the other 2 drugs attack the tumors. I think that is right.

Anyways, it will be a long day Monday since they are getting started later than usual, and there is a new drug being introduced. She will have to go back on Wednesday evening to get un-hooked from the 5FU pump & have her port de-accessed. Around that time (wed. afternoon) is when it usually starts hitting her and she gets very tired. That has usually lasted until around Sunday. Then she begins getting some strength back day by day after that. We will have to see if that remains the same with these next 4 cycles moving forward.

Everyone please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. 
Have a good weekend and we will update with new info when we have it.

Thanks, Kenny


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