CT Scan Results & More Info

 It has been a long day, and this is probably one of the hardest posts I have had to write.

This morning, I took Christian to her CT Scan appointment for her chest. This scan was basically a follow up to evaluate the spots we saw on her lungs during her last scan (which was on December 27th). 

On that last scan, we saw that she had a few new spots show up on her lungs. Two of them are 1-2mm, and the largest one was 6mm (the size of a #2 pencil eraser). When we talked to the doctor after the scan, one of the first questions asked was if she had any respiratory symptoms. On that day, she had none, so there was some question there. The next day, she woke up with a sore throat. She was coughing, and hacking. We assumed that maybe the CT had picked up some info for a respiratory infection or something that had not actually presented any symptoms yet. A few days later, the symptoms were gone, and we had continued on thinking that maybe the couple small spots were related to that. 

Fast forward to 1.5 months later (today) when she has the chest CT scan to re-evaluate the lungs to make sure we are all good there. 

This afternoon we received results of the chest CT. 

It shows that the previously noted spots had doubled in size from the previous scan. 
This was a chest CT, but it also picked up part of the abdomen. On the results, it also stated that there were multiple spots present on the liver that were new. This CT was only supposed to be of the chest, but since it picked up a few spots on the liver, Dr. Paluri wants to do an MRI of the liver to better access what was shown on the liver. That is currently being scheduled. After the CT findings, Dr. Paluri requested that we go have her CEA level checked before leaving the hospital. We did that, and it came back at 6.3, which is elevated.

With that said, we discussed these results with Dr. Paluri. The best course of action moving forward for now is to begin chemotherapy again starting Monday, hopefully getting this under control.

The results of the CT scan for the lungs are pretty definitive. There are lesions on the lungs, and that is why we will begin chemo so soon. During that time, we will get the liver MRI to determine how affected it is. 

There are still a lot of unknowns here, and we will know more after the MRI. 

I just wanted to share the information we have at hand currently, and ask for continued prayers and support. 

Going back on chemo was not the thought or plan moving forward this morning. Based on the information in front of us at the time, we were hoping for a clean CT scan, but this is where we are, and it is the best course of action. 

Please keep Christian in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to fight.


  1. We are praying so hard for you sweetie. Love you always!!?

  2. Praying for you Christian and Kenny

  3. So very sorry to hear this, you both are in my prayers............sherry t


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