CEA Update - Good News!!!

 Hey Everyone,

I had my appointment with Dr. Paluri yesterday to check labs and draw blood for the Guardant Reveal test. My CEA came back this morning and GOOD NEWS! It has dropped down to 1.4! I was so thankful to get positive news this morning. I posted a chart below. You can see it has been dropping consistently with chemo and surgeries. The only thing they were concerned about is my Vitamin D being slightly low. Mine is at 26 and the normal range is 30, so not a huge deal. We discussed it and I just need to start taking my daily multi-vitamin again. I have been slacking on that since colon surgery, so I will start taking it again and everything should be fine. 

I have a chest CT scheduled for February 16 to check on the lung nodules. My post-op appointment with Dr. Ashburn is scheduled for that day as well. I am hoping the Guardant results will be back by then, but we will just have to wait and see. As always, thank you all for the prayers, support, and love. 

- Christian



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