Colon Surgery - Recovery Day 2 - Home

 It is Wednesday Jan 12, 2022 around 1:30pm and we are home.

Yesterday she did really awesome getting up and moving. She made several laps around the halls. 

Her pain has been fairly under control and last night they switched from the Oxycodone to Tylenol and that has worked fine. 

Dr. Ashburn told her yesterday afternoon that she was doing awesome, and that whenever she felt comfortable to go home, just let the team know and they will make it happen. We wanted to give it one more night in the hospital to be safe. 

This morning, she let the team know she was ready to go home. They had to put the discharge orders in, which usually doesn't happen quickly, so we waited around half a day until that was all done.

We just got home a little bit ago. She has been eating very well and is comfortable on the couch with our dog. She is a little tired of course, but glad to be home, resting here.


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