Colon Surgery - Live Updates Here

This is the post where the latest updates will be available. As soon as I (Kenny) have them, they will be on here. I will be updating this post throughout the day as things progress. So if you happen to leave it open in your web browser, hit "refresh" to see new additions, or you can close it and re-open it.

It is Monday January 10th, about 4:30am.

We were originally supposed to arrive at the hospital at 9am this morning.
They called yesterday evening and said they changed that to 5:45am.
Christian is just now getting up and getting ready.
I went ahead and created this post so she could share it on her Facebook page before she went into surgery.

Updates will begin below as things progress.

Update 7:00am
She was taken back and prepped for surgery around 6:15am. They got an IV started, and went over consent forms and all the questions. The surgeon and team were ready, so they just took her back to the OR and I am back out in the waiting room now.

Update 11:15am
I have not heard anything from anyone since she was taken back to the OR at 7am. Usually they would keep me updated by calling me every 2hrs or so. Not sure why I did not get a call or update so far, maybe they are short staffed.
With that said, they have a few TV's in the waiting area that have a list of patient ID numbers with a color for "In Surgery" or "In Recovery". Hers has been colored for "In Surgery" up until a few minutes ago, which is when it switched over to "In Recovery". So I am going to say she is out of surgery and is in recovery. When I get an update from Dr. Ashburn (or one of her associates) with how the surgery went and all, I will update here.

Update 11:30am
I got a call from one of the Recovery nurses. He said that the surgery went very well and she is doing good in recovery, waking up, and pain is in control. They are about to hook up her PCA pump for pain control moving forward.
Dr. Ashburn (surgeon) just called me and said that she was very pleased with how the surgery went. She removed about a foot of her colon and Christian did great. She was able to keep the surgery laparoscopic, so only 4 small incisions (instead of traditional opening up incision). That will help recovery from this tremendously. She did not reverse the ileostomy at this time, for several different reasons which make 100% sense. I won't get into the reasons why right now, but she still has her ileostomy and that reversal surgery will be in a few months I assume. For now, that is all. She did awesome and will be making her way to her room once they get one ready for her. I will update later today. 

Update 2:00pm
She is in her room now resting. She is very tired and still really out of it. She has all of the things hooked up to her as usual, along with a few extras. She was asked to participate in a clinical trial of a pain med that is supposed to help reduce nausea & breathing issues that sometimes happen with traditional pca pain meds (like morphine). Of course she said yes to the study last week at the pre-op appointment (knowing it would make her stay more unpleasant). In order for them to gather the data on it, they have a separate monitor (with all of the hookups) for that. That is in addition to all of the monitors, fluids, and everything else. So she looks like spider-woman now. Hopefully she can get some rest with all of this stuff on. It is optional and can be stopped at anytime if she wants. She wanted to do the study because it is the only way advancements are made.


  1. Praying for you girl and watching for updates!!! 🙏🏼♥️

  2. Praise the Lord!! 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻

  3. Thanks for update Kenny!! Praise God! David and I are praying!!

  4. Prayers & then some 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Marco here.
    Praying for a good recovery and safe journey ahead. God Bless!


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