Liver Surgery - Post Op - Day 3

It is Monday Oct 4th a little after lunch time. She is showing more signs of improvement today!

I got here this morning and she was already awake, watching some TV and drinking some orange juice.

We talked for a bit, and then Dr. Powell stopped by to see Christian which made her morning.

The team came by this morning and said that since Christian was doing well, that they were going to discontinue her order for fluids & the push button pain meds. She has not used the push button pain meds much over the past 24 hours. She says she is not really in any pain at all, just a little sore, which is great for being right around 36hrs post surgery. Since the order for the fluids and pain meds has been discontinued, she has no reason to be hooked up to anything via IV.. so she is now off the leash!!
I asked the dr. when her three IV's would be removed since she is not using them anymore, and she said they would not be removed until Christian is about to be discharged to go home. They leave them in place incase of needing them for an emergency. That makes sense. It would be nice to have them removed, but it is what it is. She is just happy to be free of the iv cart:

The team also was talking about her being able to go home tomorrow!!

She had just a little bit of an appetite this morning, so we ordered her some cheese grits and an english muffin. She ate a little of each.

Valerie & Kelly stopped by to drop off some lunch for me. They stayed for a bit and talked with Christian. That was a really nice visit for her. Valerie and Christian went for a lap around the hallway.

Dr. Clark just came by and talked to us. He said she looks like she is recovering very well and is going to come back and check in tomorrow to finalize the decision for her to go home tomorrow!!

Christian & I will go for a few walks around here too in a bit. It is so much easier not having to drag the IV cart around. She is much more like herself today and is able to get up out of bed by herself easier than yesterday. She is moving around quicker than yesterday as well. Every day is an improvement and it is really great to see. Thanks everyone for all of the support in so many ways.


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