MRI & CT Results - Plan Forward

Peace out Cancer Cells! 

Don't let the door hit ya on the way out, or do, I really don't care. 

My MRI and CT scans show everything is continuing to shrink. God is good!

You all know I had my MRI this past Friday, and the good results from that (from Kenny's previous post).

Kenny & I went Monday morning (yesterday) to get my CT scans done (chest & pelvis). 

After that, we had some time to kill, as our appt with Dr. Paluri wasn't until later that day. 
So we went to eat breakfast at First Watch. Then we went to Academy Sports & Sam's Club.
Yes, I know it sounds like an epic time lol. 

1pm came around, so we made our way back to the hospital and met with Dr. Paluri.
He showed us some of the images, and discussed the scan readings. 
He confirmed all of the good news on the MRI that we had seen on the report online.

He said that the response to treatment was exceptional! They were very happy with how the tumors were shrinking. He said they were going to discuss my case at the Tumor Board meeting Tuesday (today) and that he would call me to tell me what they decide.

Well, I got the call this afternoon! I have been cleared to move forward with liver resection surgery! 

No date set yet, but I will need to be off chemo for about 4 weeks beforehand. 

It will definitely be nice to have a little break from that, and feel like myself for more than just a week at a time. 

I should be hearing from the surgeon's office within the next few days. That will be to setup a date/time for an appointment to discuss what this surgery will look like, and get a better line on what kind of timeframe we are looking at. We will let everyone know when we have more details.

For now, I am just very happy that I am ready for the surgery, and that I can get a break from the chemo.

It will be awesome to get to feeling back like myself for a few weeks.

Thanks everyone for everything. Keep praying. We will let you know more details when we get them!


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