Chemo Treatment 8 Re-Cap & MRI Results

    I know Christian posted on here this past Tuesday (Aug 10th) talking about what a treatment week looked like. I just wanted to share how the rest of her week has been, and also share some info on the MRI results we just got back (sooner than expected).

The fatigue really hit her on Wednesday (as it kind of has been). So she was pretty wiped out Wednesday & Thursday. A lot of couch and TV time. Her sister Jen was able to come hang out with her a little bit, so that was really nice.

Friday she began to feel a little better. Still a little tired but not as much as the previous two days.
Today (Saturday) she seems to be feeling a lot better, so I think we are coming out of the woods on this cycle.

Yesterday afternoon I took her to have her Liver MRI done. Usually we do not see the findings on her MyWakeHealth for a few days. The MRI was done in the cancer center of the main hospital (instead of the separate MRI building) this time, so maybe they get the findings put together faster. Anyways, here is what we got:

The tumors in the liver have shrunk more!! There are multiple small tumors in the liver, that are all shrinking, but they measure the largest tumors and record their size each time they do a scan. 
I put together a little chart below, so you guys can see what kind of progress has been made.

Scan Date        Liver Segment        Tumor Size                 Size Reduction
4/16/2021                    4                            3.9cm                Base Measurement
6/18/2021                    4                            3.0cm                23% since last scan
8/14/2021                    4                            2.1cm                30% since last scan

4/16/2021                    6                            5.5cm                Base Measurement
6/18/2021                    6                            4.6cm                16% since last scan
8/14/2021                    6                            3.4cm                26% since last scan

So as you can see, since she started Chemo (Treatment #1 was May 3, 2021) we have had two Liver MRI's and each time the tumors have shrunk 16% to 30%. It is great news. 

We will be going back on Monday morning to have CT scans done of her chest and lower abdomen.
That afternoon, we will be meeting with Dr. Paluri to discuss all of the images (MRI & CT) and what he thinks could be the path forward from here. That path won't be confirmed until the Tumor Board meeting on Tuesday afternoon where her case will be presented and discussed amongst several surgeons, oncologists, specialists, and others. 

We should hear from Dr. Paluri on Tuesday afternoon, or sometime Wednesday with what decision was made for the path forward. Once we receive that info, I will post it on here. 

Just wanted to share the good news, and thank everyone for the thoughts and prayers. 
Have a great weekend!! -Kenny


  1. Very good news!! Thanks for updates!! We will continue to pray!!


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