Chemo Treatment 2 - Day 3

 It is Thursday May 20, 2021 in the morning. Just wanted to give a quick update.

Tuesday she felt pretty normal, and was doing some walking and hung out outside for a bit in the afternoon.

Yesterday (Wednesday) she was pretty wiped of energy. She relaxed most of the day until we had to go back to the hospital to have her 5FU Pump disconnected, and her IV removed from her port. She also got the Neulasta On Body Injector yesterday. That will do its thing this evening, then we can remove it here at home and she is done until her next treatment on Tuesday June 1, 2021.

We got home from the hospital getting that stuff done around 5pm yesterday, ate dinner, and watched some TV. Went to bed early and she slept in pretty good this morning. 

She is still feeling tired this morning. She has had some tingly feeling in her toes as well (neuropathy). 

We are glad these are the only side effects we have seen so far, as there are others that could be worse.

Just wanted to give an update here, since the side effects seem a little more than the first go-around (where it was only some minor fatigue for one afternoon).

Thanks all for the support.

Here is a pic of her with her 5FU Pump connected to her Port IV. 
The pump stays in the little black bag that she carries around like a little purse. 
She has named it Franklin lol


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