New Regimen - Good News!

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to share that the chemo pills (Cabozantinib) and the immunotherapy drug (Durvalumab) were both approved by my insurance! I am going to start the new regimen on Monday, April 25. I have to be at the Cancer Center at 2:30 pm to get my port accessed, meet with Dr. Paluri, and then begin treatment. 

I am so thankful that my team was on top of this and the approval process didn't take that long. Please continue to pray that this new treatment will be effective enough to shrink these tumors. I am nervous about taking the chemo pill everyday, but Dr. Paluri said it is usually fairly well tolerated. The immunotherapy infusion will be every 4 weeks.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are going on a little camping trip with my sister and her family. I am definitely looking forward to relaxing a little before getting back to it on Monday.

With Love, Christian 


  1. Praying for you and Kenny. Enjoy your get away and relax.

    Stan Overby

  2. Prayers are sent every day from the Lamson family.

  3. I'm very glad the meds have been approved Christian. I enjoyed Jens weekend pictures and so glad you were able to go. David and I are praying for this new treatment 🙏 we love you ❤️


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