Chemo Treatment 11

Hey Everyone,

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I know it has been a while since we've updated you guys. The chemo treatments are going well. No major issues or side effects, mainly just fatigue. It takes me about a week to feel back to normal. The fatigue usually sets in on Wednesday when I go get unhooked from the 5-FU pump. The worst days are Thursday-Friday. By Saturday I am starting to feel back to my old self again.

I am still dealing with some neuropathy from the oxaliplatin. It was a delayed reaction after treatment number 9. It showed up about 3 weeks after treatment and has not left yet. I feel it mostly in my finger tips and toes. It feels like when your foot falls asleep and then you start moving it again, and sometimes it just feels numb. I hope it will eventually go away. It is not painful and it has not prohibited me from doing anything. I am just extra careful about being out in cold weather and touching cold stuff. 

I have also been dealing with horrible acne, which I believe to be mainly attributed to the fact that my hormones are out of sync right now. I know this because my monthly cycles are irregular. I apologize if that is TMI for some of you, but this is life and it's part of what I am dealing with right now. It got really bad after treatment number 10. Dr. Paluri prescribed an antibiotic that seems to be helping some. I also developed a rash on my chest. It was not painful or itchy, but to be on the safe side they gave me IV Benadryl before treatment number 11. So far the rash has not returned. I still have a decent amount of hair. It has thinned out for sure, but I actually have some new growth in some areas. I tell people I look like a baby bird with fuzzy little hairs sticking up all over the place.

My last treatment is scheduled for December 6. I am definitely ready to get that one behind me and move on to the next step. I meet with the colon surgeon on December 15. Hopefully the surgery will be scheduled for early in the new year. 

As always, thank you all for the prayers, love, and support. 

- Christian 


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