
Christians newscast story

 Wanted to share the link here for people who aren't on Facebook and periodically check here. Julie Luck, a well known local news anchor put together a story on Christian and her own colon cancer, and awareness.  It is linked below.

Happy Anniversary Dear

Well, here we are. Sunday, September 18th.  It's the day after my birthday. I turned 34 years old yesterday, but that is nothing important compared to today.  12 years ago today, September 18th, 2010, I stood in front of Christian Whitaker on a Carnival cruise ship in Charleston, SC. We said our vows, and she became Christian Eisenhauer.   I remember crying when she came around the corner with her Dad and began walking down the aisle. I was overwhelmed with how beautiful she was. I was overwhelmed with knowing she was coming to say "I do" to me.  I knew I was lucky then, and that became more self evident every single day we had together.  I was crying on that day, and today I am crying for a different reason.  Happy tears mostly, but I am not going to lie... I sure do miss her.   We had such a great life together, and we just “got” each other in every way. I can’t put it into words. It was perfect. 12 years is not enough, but God knows what h...

How I found peace in her death.

I know this is Christian's cancer story blog.. but I am making one last post here, and it is about me. This is for two reasons. One, so everyone who cares about me can know how I am doing. Two, It is also for all of the strangers that have kept up with her story. They can see this peace and positivity, and hopefully see what trusting in God can do for a person in a dark time. The day that Christian died (Tuesday Aug 9 th ) here on earth, and went to heaven, I thought I was prepared.   I thought I was ready. I had seen this day coming for months, and knew we were getting closer every time something changed. I would contemplate what I would be doing after this was all over with. Of course, it revolved around me doing whatever I wanted to do, selfish thoughts. I had just spent the last year and a half consumed with the word cancer. Absolutely no regrets on that being my life, I wouldn’t change a thing, as you will read on to find out.   I was just tired, and was ready to do wh...