
Showing posts from November, 2021

Chemo Treatment 11

Hey Everyone, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! I know it has been a while since we've updated you guys. The chemo treatments are going well. No major issues or side effects, mainly just fatigue. It takes me about a week to feel back to normal. The fatigue usually sets in on Wednesday when I go get unhooked from the 5-FU pump. The worst days are Thursday-Friday. By Saturday I am starting to feel back to my old self again. I am still dealing with some neuropathy from the oxaliplatin. It was a delayed reaction after treatment number 9. It showed up about 3 weeks after treatment and has not left yet. I feel it mostly in my finger tips and toes. It feels like when your foot falls asleep and then you start moving it again, and sometimes it just feels numb. I hope it will eventually go away. It is not painful and it has not prohibited me from doing anything. I am just extra careful about being out in cold weather and touching cold stuff.  I have also been dealing with horrible acn...

Chemo Treatment 10

Yesterday was Christian's 10th Chemo Treatment. It was also her first treatment after having her liver resection a little over a month ago. We were not sure what to expect as we were told that her body may not tolerate the chemo the same way it did before having 2/3 of her liver removed. Not sure if we have shared the fact that they have removed one of the three chemo drugs from her regiment for these last 3 treatments or not, but if so, here it is again. Dr. Paluri has removed the Oxaliplatin from her regiment for these last three treatments.  So I believe her regiment is now a version of FOLFIRI. With the Oxaliplatin I believe it was FOLFOXIRI. It is great that it was that specific drug (of the three) that was removed, because it was the one that causes the cold sensitivity and the neuropathy. After her 9th treatment (back in September) the following 4-5 weeks (leading up to surgery) her cold sensitivity and neuropathy had worn off and wasn't really a problem. Then it started...

Recovery Update & CT Scan Results

  Quick update on my recovery, CT scan results, and upcoming appointments. I hope everyone has a great weekend. We will check in with you again soon. Love, Christian